no, really.
there are downloadable games & activities for kids. you can also print out your own flat stanley for vacations or mail him out around the globe, which he's kinda used to by now (he's been around since '64). there's also more. so, feel free to check it out.
of course, since it is flat stanley, there has to be a picture gallery so readers can post their stanley pics.
* i just found this while writing this post. how often does a book illustrator see their own characters made into a video game? yay.
Proud of ya! Yeah!!!
Art Fan Ako - thanks :)
Very Cool. Nice webiste, too.
Hey I think my first comment got lost in space or soemthing.
thanks, randy. strange, i never got your first comment.
probably went to that place on the internet where all lost postings go (you know, sort of like that missing sock in the dryer).
Awwww..that is such a cute picture, Macky!
haha, thanks chickengirl.
Hey Macky!
You're art is Amazing-truly inspiring! it's just so nice to see diversity in styles and technique. I remembered first seeing you're stuff on a clip from a filipino channel and it is really cool to see a fellow filipino making it big and taking your art to another level. now i just wanna draw even more!
hi johnny - thanks for the compliments. it's funny, but i had no idea that that show had such a wide reach. when i visited your blog, i kinda guessed you were pinoy too. gotta say, i really love your illustrations. excellent work.
Hey Macky, Thanks so much for stopping by. I really appreciate you taking time to visit. I got the best though when I came to visit your blog!!! OMG how fabulous is your style of illustration. It's hot and off the chain mad crazy and I love the flat stanley!!!!! Awesome. I can't wait to show my daughter and nephew something new. It's great I wish you all the very best my friend. You Rock!!
vanessa - thanks for dropping by & i appreciate the kind words. i hope your daughter & nephew enjoys the new art.
I just posted to someone on FaceBook that we took Flat Stanley to 5 countries and uncountable cities in the Fall of 2002 on behalf of a niece. Ours was a hand-drawn and cut-out figure which fit in our luggage with difficulty.
I found *you*, seƱor, through Google, and I am very glad of it. I still have nieces & nephews for whom Flat Stanley is (or soon will be) a must, and other friends and relatives who will be happy to learn he is alive and well and still travelling.
Peace - Mort
mort - thanks for dropping by. i too get a kick out of seeing all the flat stanley pictures on the web. i even did one for a boy in california.
stanley's certainly alive & well. there will be more books to come (including a series for beginning readers).
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